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Gamelog suggestion

Enviado por Sanjuro 
Gamelog suggestion
05-May-2005 17:21
Hi Achiles,

After we have solved our crisis with the hosting, there's something I would like to have in the gamelog:

When I try to review my games after I played it is difficult to trace back to the character choice. Could we add an end turn characters recap in the gamelog. Something like:

Face up characters was : xxx
Face down character was : xxx
xxx was available for choice, but nobody chose it

It will not give any additional information to players during the game (they can all deduce this if they want to), but it will make it easy to go over the log later to see where we did wrong....

Re: Gamelog suggestion
05-May-2005 17:28
Ok, i'll do it.

Re: Gamelog suggestion
16-May-2005 01:08

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