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fountain of whishes/fuente de los deseos

Enviado por Milky 
fountain of whishes/fuente de los deseos
10-April-2006 20:07
just to let you know I experienced an error in scoring points using the fountain of whishes (that gives you 5 points plus 1 more point for every other purple district)
(I don't speak spanish so my apologies if this topic has been already posted)

I built a market (2 points-green) a barracks (3-red) a warehouse (3-green) a castle (4-gold) the fountain of whishes (5-purple) a myracle courtyard (2-purple) and the school of magic (6-purple)
so I had color too, but instead of 30 points=2+3+3+4+5+2+6+3(for color)+2(for other purple), my final score, at the end of the game, was 29.

is this a real bug, experienced by someone else? (I've never used the fountain before)

this time I've been lucky because the second player closed at 28 points

but sometimes a point more or less makes the difference ;-)

Re: fountain of whishes/fuente de los deseos
11-April-2006 02:52
The calculation of points never fail (time ago was a bug, but all score system work fine). Always have a reason for a error in a count. In this case i have to readthe mail a pair of times to found it (you have no tell the name of the game).
You have not blue district, so to make color (+3), the Myracle Courtyard changes it color to blue, but because of this it do not gave you a point by the Fountain of Youth.It is the most optimal, covert a +1 for the Fountain by a +3 for the color.
Hope you understand this, i neither are a master of english...

Re: fountain of whishes/fuente de los deseos
11-April-2006 14:47
Monica lives!!! grinning smiley

tongue sticking out smiley grinning smiley El novio molesta pero no impide grinning smiley tongue sticking out smiley
Haz click y gana mil euros -> [www.albinoblacksheep.com]
Re: fountain of whishes/fuente de los deseos
11-April-2006 22:22
thanks Achiles,
I understand smiling smiley
I didn't consider the miracle courtyard in the way you explained.
I'm glad it's not a bug.

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