Partidas con 12 distritos / Games with 12 districts
13-December-2004 15:02

Ha aparecido un problema que llevaba esperando desde el principio. Las partidas con 8 distritos y 7 u 8 jugadores o las de 11 distritos con 8 jugadores tienen el problema de que se acaban las cartas del mazo. Si todo el mundo construye al un ritmo aceptable, cuando todos los jugadores vayan aproximadamente por su noveno distrito, ya no habrá más cartas que robar, y a no ser que alguien llegue a 12 en un ataque relámpago, se puede bloquear la partida. Si hay condotiero, por concepto no se bloquea la partida, porque con el condotiero los distritos pueden volver al mazo, pero eso es en teoría. En la práctica, no van a ponerse de acuerdo para que uno gane, habrá sangre por las cartas del mazo y será una batalla sin fin.
No le he encontrado muchas soluciones al problema. Algo sencillo sería meter más cartas en una partida de esas condiciones. Otra sería quitar las partidas de 11 y 12 distritos, pero preferiría no hacer eso. Son un coñazo y yo no me meto en ellas si puedo evitarlo, pero es una opción que me gustaría dejar...

(english is a shorter version, sorry)

There is a ancient problem. The games with 12 districts and 7 or 8 players or the game with 11 districts and 8 players are affected by a lack of cards. When the players has aprox. nine districts, the deck is out of cards. This provoke a game hunged up. I need solutions...

Re: Partidas con 12 distritos / Games with 12 districts
13-December-2004 15:12
Achiles, cuando se juega a las cartas con mucha gente lo que hacemos normalmente es barajar dos mazos completos, Por qué no haces lo mismo? Que en aquellas partidas que se creen a "X" distritos y a "Y" jugadores automaticamente se juegue con el doble de cartas. (si es posible)
Re: Partidas con 12 distritos / Games with 12 districts
14-December-2004 09:39
La idea no es mala, sólo tiene el problema de que habría 2 Puertas de Dragón, 2 Universidades, 2 Bibliotecas; sin contar con que podría batir mi propio record de tener las 5 Tavernas, con nada más y nada menos ¡que 10 Tavernas en mano!
well, we could add the rule that when the first deck of card is finished, a second deck is opened and mixed in order to end the game...

I prefer the idea of adding a second deck only when the first ran out, and not directly playing with 2 mixed decks, because if this second options is chosen, some cards could never appear, and the game could be more desequilibred (i dont know if that is what kynes says, i dont understand spanish, but it could be really weird if 10 taverns are in the first 20 cards for example).
Re: Partidas con 12 distritos / Games with 12 districts
14-December-2004 16:51
Yes, adding the second deck just when the cards run out its a better idea than playing two decks from the begining. But more difficult to implement, too...
But if a normal game run out of cards, it use the second deck, too, and may be a player waster the deck intentionally (for strategic), it cant be done...
And another problem is the exactly moment of the adding of the second deck. When a player draw 2 cards but only there is one left? He get only one or 1 of the old deck and one of the new deck?
Then, the number of cards in the deck is not important...

How could you waste a deck intentionally? Does the cards that are refused (when a player chosses between 2 cards) not go back under the deck?

In a topic (in french) on Bruno's forum, Bruno says he places the undesired cards back under the deck (

Anyway, i think that in Bruno's mind, the deck should never run out.

But indeed, when you play games with 8 players and 12 districts, the deck can run out even if the cards are placed back under it.

In this case, i suppose it is better to add cards from a second deck when it is needed so every player has always the ability to choose between two cards (note that if it was not the case, a machiavelic mind could determine what is the last card of the deck by deduction...)

Anyway, Bruno is not very consistant in his answers as he says first that you have to mix the remaining cars and play with them.

and later in the same topic, he says he puts back the undesired cards under the deck...
Re: Partidas con 12 distritos / Games with 12 districts
14-December-2004 17:26
Yes, the cards discarded or onchoosed goes under the deck (one of the causes that i made this site is for amarriner put it in the TOP of the deck). But the players can retains cards withlout limit. Is not a usually proble, almost all the players must be in agree to do that. My main problem is to choose the instant to put the second deck...

In the game "the interminable history", i have to choose between 2 cards, but one does not display (i have a red cross), does it mean that the deck is allready empty or is it another kind of bug?
Re: Partidas con 12 distritos / Games with 12 districts
15-December-2004 11:19
Both of them (:
The deck is empty, but is a bug that you see de image of the empty card.
I'll put the second deck. Wait until i advise you.

It seems fixed nox. Thanks Achiles !

So what option did you choose, finally?
Re: Partidas con 12 distritos / Games with 12 districts
15-December-2004 19:28
Yo no veo que sea un problema el que haya 2 universidades... si hay una nota o algo permanente que le recuerde a los jugadores que hay dos mazos en juego.

I don't see any problem with playing a game with two "university"..., as long as there is some kind of permanent note or something like that, to remaind all players that they are playing with two decks.

YO QUIERO BAILAR!! grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley
Malditos conductores de autob?s... mira que darme un golpe en el coche!!!!
Re: Partidas con 12 distritos / Games with 12 districts
15-December-2004 19:29
Por cierto kynes, Cómo te las apañaste para tener las cinco tabernas??? El mago estaría en juego por lo menos no?

YO QUIERO BAILAR!! grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley
Malditos conductores de autob?s... mira que darme un golpe en el coche!!!!
Re: Partidas con 12 distritos / Games with 12 districts
16-December-2004 10:25
bita, en realidad no llegué a las 5, tenía 4 en mano, la 5ª la había construido Gaspi y el mamon se negó a darmela winking smiley
Hechicero no hace falta, con el Diplomatico y un poco de imaginación, se pueden hacer muchas cosas.
agotado! sold out! 0 in stock!
23-September-2005 21:41
Alguien sabe donde narices puedo comprarlo.
Desde que jugué por primera vez, hace 1 mes, que lo estoy buscando.
Agotado en Barcelona
Agotado en Sevilla
Agotado en shop webs inglesas, americanas, francesas... joooooooeeeeeeeeer

Quiero jugar!! sad smiley

Alguna idea?


lleva agotado más o menos desde junio en toda españa (he buscado en valencia, la coruña, valladolid y madrid, aparte de sevilla y bcn ....).

pero puedes encontrarlo (con la segunda expansión incluida) en alemania y en holanda (al menos en julio ...)

has probado en ebays y sitios de subasta en general?
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