What if the witch doen't bewitch ?
07-April-2005 18:54
Is she playing her whole round, that is to say, can she built ?

Re: What if the witch doen't bewitch ?
07-April-2005 19:07
Yes, I do that sometimes when I don't want to be bewitched and I don't particularly want to risk bewitching a character may not be there.
Re: What if the witch doen't bewitch ?
07-April-2005 19:27
Oki thanks smiling smiley

My new question is now : is that a good thing ?
On the one hand, it is : the witch may play normally as every other character. On the other hand, choosing the witch could be considered as the obligation to take a risk...
Re: What if the witch doen't bewitch ?
07-April-2005 21:08
I don´t think so Roken, sometimes i choose the "killer" not to kill anyone, just to not be killed by someone and play my turn . With the witch it is the same.
Re: What if the witch doen't bewitch ?
08-April-2005 01:15
Not wrong, that's just what I did for my last future-won game winking smiley And that's why I asked for this question : I was afraid to HAVE TO bewitch and to have a chance to lose my turn smiling smiley

Re: What if the witch doen't bewitch ?
08-April-2005 09:32
You can think of it as "the only hability of the witch that turn is that she can't be bewitched".

Loise: No pasa nada Superman. No es culpa tuya. El sistema funciona así, no puedes hacerte cargo de los problemas de todos.
Superman: Podría hacerme cargo de los problemas de todos si gobernara este país. Y a decir verdad, no hay ninguna buena razón por la que no debiera hacerlo.
Superman Red Son

Re: What if the witch doen't bewitch ?
11-April-2005 18:49
I, in fact, losed a game because in the last turn when I was supossed to build my 8th district I bewitched the wrong character (and everyone laugh at me, evil people ;P)

Re: What if the witch doen't bewitch ?
11-April-2005 20:45
Evil people? What do you mean, neither me nor matilda were there so therte couldn't have been any evil people there. Perhaps you meant impish, or naughty, or misbehaved.
Re: What if the witch doen't bewitch ?
12-April-2005 10:58
you're wrong ^__^ cos matilda was actually there. But at least I could get a job as tresaurer of her fan's club xDDDDD

PD ¿Que napias hacemos hablando en ingles entre nosotros? xDDDDDDD
Re: What if the witch doen't bewitch ?
12-April-2005 12:08
si yo estaba y no tenia la bruja, es que de verdad el mundo se esta llenando de gente malvada que no le dejan a una realizarse como ente maligno. sad smiley
Re: What if the witch doen't bewitch ?
12-April-2005 18:11
sera por eso que fui castigado perdiendo la partida una vez que la tenia ganada... XDDDD
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