13-July-2004 02:46
que es exactamente el valor del "Indicador de Velocidad de Respuesta"
el cual aparece en los perfiles?

Editado 1 vez/veces. Última edición el 28/06/2006 23:54 por AFO.
Re: Velicidad
13-July-2004 04:05
Es el tiempo medio que tarda un jugador entre que le toca jugar y que juega. Es decir, es el tiempo medio que tarda entre que le toca elegir personaje y lo elige y entre que se revela su personaje y termina su turno. Se mide en segundos. Esto se refresca con cada partida que termina, de modo que los que aún no han terminado una partida desde que se implantó el sistema (el viernes, creo), no tendrán todavía una velocidad de respuesta.

Re: Velicidad
27-July-2004 16:48
I'm at the back of the velocity indicator classment, though i'm a quite quick player, but i was on holidays (I gave everybody a warning...)... is it possible to reset my velocity indicator?
Re: Velicidad
27-July-2004 17:25
Sorry, i cant reset the responsivity each time people go holidays. Same pass to you, pass to many others. Is something of difficult solution. Someonw tell me to can stop a game or something, but i do not sure if is a good idea...

Re: Velicidad
27-July-2004 17:43
Well, i perfectly understand!

an idea could be that the velocity indicator is only based on, lets say, the 50 last actions... so, this way, a player that was slow, but becomes fast, can climb in the clasment... it probably would be more indicative, no?
Re: Velicidad
27-July-2004 19:20
There are 2 main problems with this. the first is a player that only play one or two days at a week, and play reasonablement fast. He could mantain a goog responsive indicator, but actually people hate him beacuse they know that it plays rarely. The second problem is that, for programing designs, i need to calculate the responsiveness indicator only when a game is finish.
Now the values are very volatile, but when pass a month or two, the values will stabilize and soon the responsive indicator show a more real value. (yours, for example, will decrease fastly). The indication is not a realistic value, only an aproximate one...

Re: Velicidad
28-July-2004 02:08
I comment today your query to Matilda, and she said that for you, it will be done whatever you wish...

Re: Velicidad
27-June-2006 19:09
pruebas de tablitas.... sorry...

Muerte lenta a Dan Brown.

Editado 2 vez/veces. Última edición el 27/06/2006 19:10 por Catan.
Re: Velicidad
27-June-2006 19:37
Así me gusta, ni dos años de antigûedad tenía este post...

Re: Velicidad
01-July-2006 14:11
tienes alguna mas antigua ????
Me gustaria saber cual es el primer post q existe....
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