About the ranking system...
03-September-2004 17:41
I find this ranking system doesn't have a good effect, in the sense that you are not encouraged to play with players that have less points than you, because
1. there are less points to win for you
2. there are more points to loose for you

For example, i'm near 100, and i would think about it before playing a game agains Achiles, because I would loose more points if i loose, and win less if i win...

BTW, the players that have more points may hesitate to play against me...

So i think the ranking system globaly pushes the players to play with other players that are nearly the same level, no?
Re: About the ranking system...
06-September-2004 10:44
Yes... you're right...

I'm trying to make a simulation of the ranking system to look at that... please be patient, I've some real work to do at the same time ;-)
Re: About the ranking system...
10-September-2004 01:30
Yes Benwa, you have reason, but if you play with people with less points, then you are best (the favorite) and probably you have more posibilities to win. The ranking system was create for this purpose. See other games, like boxeo, if you are the best, win is easy for you, and gain less points with a rival more weak, but if you loose... smiling smiley
Re: About the ranking system...
10-September-2004 01:32
Re: About the ranking system...
10-September-2004 11:13
Dyr, i'm not sure that the place in the classment is only linked to the fact that you are a good or a bad player.

Citadels is a game where the luck is a BIG factor.

I know for example that Askalab is a quite good player... but at a time, he was in the 80's in the ranking system... because no luck! So knowing that, (he is good + he has low points), nothing will push me to play with him.

Another point is that there are multiple groups of players on the server, who don't allways mix...

I play often with my friends... So the ranking has eventually a signification between us, but it has no real signification compared to other players, that i play only occasionally with.

So i think that to have a meaning, any ranking should be placed in a tournament system, where all players participate equally and, as luck is a big factor, it would have to contain a huge number of games.

As it is now, i find the ranking system is a "fun" functionality, but not really indicative of anything.
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