a BIG tie
03-February-2006 20:42
Do you really think that in case of the big tie - I mean the situation when all players have the same score - is good win 0 points???
Maybe you have duiscussed this issue, but very likely in spanish, so sorry for not searching it.

I think, that it would be better to give every player his part of the 1%, divided by the points amount at the beginning of the game, BUT opposite (like in case when win just 2 players).

Your oppinions? Achilles? As I said, maybe is solved few months ago, but in spanish is not good to search for me, sorry.

Re: a BIG tie
03-February-2006 20:57
No, 0 for all is okay. The philosofy of the ranking system is to balance the amount of points gained by the winners (usually one, except the tie case) between the amount loose by the loosers. In all-tie case, no one loose the game. For this reason, none of the winners (all people) can gain any point.

Re: a BIG tie
03-February-2006 23:57
...and isn't it little bit unfair when the last player make a tie with the first and the second player??? He was so good, that gained same score as chart leaders and no award :-(
Re: a BIG tie
04-February-2006 01:08
oh yeah!
just do it

tongue sticking out smiley grinning smiley El novio molesta pero no impide grinning smiley tongue sticking out smiley
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