Suggestion for random quotes
21-September-2005 13:07
It's my day for ideas winking smiley

Could we use the players' messages from our profiles as random quotes when we connect, so that when we connect we may have a "xxxx says: ...." message Instead or in alternace with Einstein groucho Marx, etc...
Re: Suggestion for random quotes
21-September-2005 13:15
Ok, it would be nice. But it would be Personal Quote, the random quotes will remain as now.
I'll put it to the TODO list (a big list, sob...)

25-September-2005 22:57
Hello Achiles,

Thanks for listening to our silly suggestions and implementing them winking smiley

I appreciate...
Re: Suggestion for random quotes
25-September-2005 23:25
My Lord Sanjuro, i don´t like this new idea...... some of the personal quotes (starting with my own sentence) are odd.

Editado 2 vez/veces. Última edición el 25/09/2005 23:48 por matilda.
Re: Suggestion for random quotes
26-September-2005 00:33
Now is configurable by Edit Profile if you want or not to see the personal quotes in home page.

Re: Suggestion for random quotes
27-September-2005 11:38
I a way you're right, my Lady Matilda, but it also gives us an opportunity to express ourselves.
Lo siento, sólo pueden enviar mensajes si está registrado.

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