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Leer, MUY importante / Read it, VERY important!

Enviado por Achiles 
Re: Leer, MUY importante / Read it, VERY important!
29-April-2012 08:51
Es de esperar que sí. Ahora estoy en la fase de eliminación de nuevos bugs, que han aprovechado la oportunidad de un nuevo y jugoso sistema conjunto, y lo están atacando para reproducirse y extended su ciclo vital.

Re: Leer, MUY importante / Read it, VERY important!
08-October-2013 09:34
The problem is, that plaing with random people u can get 5-6 "stuck" games, and wait for month for inactive player to become robot, and than another month for one more player to become robot. So, actually u have like 4 active games. So, there is no sence to create public games at all, only play with friends. =\ to bad, I understood it to late.

p.s. Sorry fo broken English.
Re: Leer, MUY importante / Read it, VERY important!
08-October-2013 22:58
20 days, not a month, but yes.

Re: Leer, MUY importante / Read it, VERY important!
09-October-2013 15:50
PRO games require a response in 3 days, that seems excellent for me.
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