Re: Problemilla... / Little problem...
06-May-2005 19:08
Cyric, he isn't charging for the game per say, but is asking dor donations for site upkeep. So, I don't think he is infringing upon the rights of the game manufacturer. He probably couldn't charge a fee to play the game itself unless the game manufacturer consented, which they probably wouldn't. And, if they did consent, he would then be paying them royalties.

Also, there is another online Citadels site. That site is free. It is buggy, not as updated, and was down for months at one point (which is how many of us wound up here), but you can go there if you decide to leave here. Do a websearch for it. Sorry for giving out competitor information Achiles, but as far as I'm concerned, the other site is not a competitor.

Editado 1 vez/veces. Última edición el 06/05/2005 19:56 por foodgeek.
Allá van 30 eurucos desde Cantabria, que los funcionarios estamos obligados a arrimar más el hombro. :-)

Pero hazme un favor: mira a ver si puedes desconectar la página hasta julio, tío, que en junio tengo oposiciones y no hago vida desde que conocí la página hace unos días... :-( (te estoy tomando el pelo, claro)

Saludos, y ánimo.


There it goes, 30 euros from Cantabria, since civil servants are more obligated to help. :-)

But do me a favour: drop the web until July, man. I have exams in June, and since I met this page I have not studied anything at all... :-( (I'm pulling your leg, of course)

Cheers, and go for it!

Re: Problemilla... / Little problem...
06-May-2005 19:58
I'm a student as well, but I am easily distracted, so if it wasn't this site, I would be distracted by something else. My semester (grad school) ends tomorrow. yay. smiling smiley
Re: Problemilla... / Little problem...
06-May-2005 20:43
la semana q viene echare algo al bote, q las horas q meto aqui lo valen. aunq tampoco ando yo como para tirar cohetes pero bueno q le vamos a hacer. suerte con la colecta y enhorabuena por la pagina (por descontado)
Re: Problemilla... / Little problem...
07-May-2005 04:31
Y yo tengo el teórico el martes y aquí estoy, leyendo mensajes a las 3 de la mañana... (civil servant es funcionario?)
Por cierto, alguien se olvida de poner los conceptos en las transferencias bancarias o son anónimos aposta?

Foodgeek,dont worry, i dont consider amarriner a competitor, neither the java online site. The are different options. I didnt made this site for competition. I made it for the expansion characters and for a few bugsof the other site that made me silly...
(now I have bugs that make me silly, too...)
Sleep time!

Tambien puedes decir public official... la verdad, podía haber dicho "teacher" y ya está... :-)
Re: Problemilla... / Little problem...
08-May-2005 14:29
Yo y Mordret también aportamos algo a la causa. Dentro de poco aportaran otros amigos a los que hemos engañado.
Re: Problemilla... / Little problem...
09-May-2005 01:34
Por mi parte únicamente felicitar y mostrar mi agradecimiento a Achiles por la creación y mantenimiento de esta página. A ver si entre todos conseguimos llegar a alguna solución a este problema. Jo, qué serio me ha quedado el post...

On my behalf, only congratulate and show my appreciation to Achiles for the creation and maintenance of these pages. Let's hope that we can come to some solution to this problem. Gee, my post sounds so boringly serious...
Re: Problemilla... / Little problem...
09-May-2005 11:45
Pues no sé si alguna de las transferencias es anónima aposta, pero yo hice la mía el jueves pasado por 20 € y puse mi nombre en el concepto, y como todavía no aparezco en la lista de donantes, no sé si se ha perdido por el camino o ha llegado sin ninguna anotación... :-S Si te sirve, te puedo dar la cuenta origen para que veas si ha llegado o no, no quiero que mis ahorros queden en manos del contubernio bancario...

P.D.: Si lo sé lo hago por PayPal, mi banco me ha cobrado 2'5 € de comisión...

P.D. 2: Por cierto, me obligaban a poner un nombre del destinatario aparte de la cuenta y claro, no creo que "Achiles" sea el nombre que consta en la tuya... Espero que eso no cause problemas... :-P
Don't be afraid for the Amarriner site Achiles, if it's still so buggy, there's no challenge winking smiley

I think you took the good decision. This may even filter bad players, like those who try to cheat in several ways...

And I also think that after all you did for us (such a wonderful site *SLAP* ;p) this is not a big thing to donate 5€ a year !! smiling smiley

Thus a little problem which should be resolved quickly : a "donate" link on the main page. I can't see any... Am I blind ? winking smiley
Re: Problemilla... / Little problem...
09-May-2005 15:56
Calamanga, tengo aún 3 anónimas de 20€, así que imagino que una es la tuya. Pero en concepto ponen algo como Transferencia a su favor o Entrega efectivo.
Por cierto que la comisión de paypal por 20€ es bastante menor.
Roken, the page has the link in the three languages. I dont known why yo cant see it... Its a paypal link and there are a bank account in plain text.

Re: Problemilla... / Little problem...
10-May-2005 01:59
A lo mejor uno de esos anonimos somos Mordret y yo que te mandamos el viernes una donación de 20 € y me sorprendieron mucho tu nombre yo que pensaba que iba a poner Achiles ;-)
Hello !

I'd like to donate, but it seems I encounter some problems with the paypal interface.

I created an account and introduced all my informations (included the credit card number), but in the end, Paypal says that i have not enough credit to do this transaction and that Paypal must first charge me 2 dollars :

"This transaction exceeds your remaining sending limit. Please complete your enrollment in the Expanded Use Program. You will then be allowed to send more money."

Then the explain how to get this Expanded Use Program and it seems quite complicated :

Step 1:
Authorize PayPal to charge a $1,95 USD Expanded Use Fee to your card. (You will receive a $1,95 USD bonus in your PayPal account after you complete enrollment.)

Step 2:
On your next credit card statement (monthly transaction history), find the 4-digit Expanded Use Number that will be printed in the item description section of the charge. It may take 3-4 business days for the number to appear on your statement.

Step 3:
Log in to your PayPal account, click the Complete Expanded Use Enrollment link on your Account Overview, and enter your Expanded Use Number.

So it seems i would have to wait my next Visa facture in order to be able to pay??

Is this right ?
Re: Problemilla... / Little problem...
10-May-2005 12:07
Benwa, you can pay directly without creating a Paypal account. I did this and it worked ok... I sure hope they're not going to charge me 1.95$ for this, but I had no such warning message.
well i tried once more... it still says me :

"This transaction exceeds your remaining sending limit. Please complete your enrollment in the Expanded Use Program. You will then be allowed to send more money."

(Sending limit = 0,00 €)

Maybe it is due to the fact that i'm based in Belgium and you in France...

Re: Problemilla... / Little problem...
10-May-2005 16:14
I dont know, but my credit card is a debit one. May be your credit is a credit one, but your bank dont let you to have positive income to waste , or paypal cannot verify it.

Re: Problemilla... / Little problem...
10-May-2005 16:45
Acaban de llegar 7 anónimos. Creo que mi banco por internet no me dice nada. Hasta que no lleguen por carta, no sabré los conceptos de las donaciones...

Re: Problemilla... / Little problem...
11-May-2005 00:13
If I'm not mistaken, the 1,95 € they charge you to enroll in the Expanded PayPal will be given back to you as "PayPal credit" when enrollment is complete. I guess it is a way of having an entry with the 4 digits magic number in your next card notification...
Lo siento, sólo pueden enviar mensajes si está registrado.

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