Instrucciones / Instructions
08-October-2004 19:17
Las reglas del juego y otras secciones no estan traducidas al ingles. Yo estaria encantado de traducirlo todo si a Achiles le parece buena idea.

The game rules and other sections are not available in English at the moment. I'd be more than glad to translate it all if Achiles thinks it's a good idea.
Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
08-October-2004 19:49
Mmm... dime lo que no está traducido al inglés, porque en teoría todo está traducido al inglés y al francés. Algo se ha podido escapar, pero no cambio nada de mucho texto desde hace tiempo. posteame las secciones o url's quie veas en español estando logeado en inglés.

Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
09-October-2004 04:10
Ah, ya veo, NM.
Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
09-October-2004 05:01
Me dedicaré a las erratas entonces:

1 Blue: Religious (provides income to the Bishop and Abbey)
Abbey deberia ser Abbot.

2 Step three: Player Turns - Once all the character cards are passed out.

Creo que inconscientes no estan asi que debería decir: once each player has drawn a character card...

En la seccion de 'House rules'

1 All these rules have reason to exist, but I won't explain them here.

Concordancia de numero. Deberia ser:
All these rules have a reason to exist, but I won't explain it here.

An altogether nicer and less confusing turn of phrase would be:
These rules exist for a reason, but I won't go into it here.

2 To complain about this rules o trying to convince me about changing them, go to the Forum section...

This needs complete rephrasing:

To complain about *these* rules or to try to convince me to change them, go to the forum section.

3 Characters and districts not mencioned here are supossed to work similar to the original ones.

This should read:

Characters and districts not *mentioned* here are *supposed* to work *similarly* to the original ones.

While that would be correct, this would actually be more elegant:

Characters and districts not mentioned here work very much like the ones in the original game.

4 The Emperor ability isn't optional, he must choose a new owner of the crown. This skill can't be stolen by the Witch, like the King always obtains the crown.

The *Emperor's* ability isn't optional. He must choose a new owner for the crown. The Witch can't steal this ability, following the same principle whereby a bewitched King obtains the crown nonetheless.

5 The Emperor chooses to give the crown for a gold o card. If he choose a card, it will be taken at random.

The Emperor chooses to give the crown for a gold coin or a card. If he chooses a card, it is taken at random.

6 The Queen obtains 3 gold coins if she is sitting besides the Crown, not the King or Emperor.

The Queen obtains 3 gold coins if she is sitting *beside* the crown (not necessarily the King or the Emperor).

7 The effects of Observatory and Library do not stack.

*The Observatory* and *the Library*

8 The Diplomat can swap districts without restrictions of been already built in either side.

The Diplomat can swap districts without restriction, regardless of whether or not either side of the swap ends up with two equal districts.

9 This is the ranking rules currently in force:
On each game, the winner(s) get a number of points depending on the global level of all players. Those who haven't won or tied on Victory, lose point depending on all players levels regards his own. That is to say, we compare the respective ranking positions before the game, and if a player with high ranking loses against players with lower ranking, he loses more points than if he had lost agaist higher rankings. The same is aplied to winner, as they will score more points if they win against higher rankings than if they win against lower rankings.
Each player begins with 100 points.

These are the ranking rules currently in effect:
After each game, the winners obtain a number of points calculated depending on the global level of all players in that game. Those who were not victorious, lose a number of points calculated using the level of all other players in the game relative to his or her own. That is to say, all the respective ranking positions of all players involved are compared before the game, and if a player with high ranking loses against lower ranking players, he is deducted more points than if he loses against players with higher ranking. In a similar fashion the winner will score more points against players with higher ranking than against players with lower ranking. Each player begins with 100 points.
Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
09-October-2004 05:07
Classification es un falso amigo de clasificación. En inglés la palabra classification se refiere a ordenar por categorías o tipos. Sugiero que lo cambies por Ranking o Scoreboard.
Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
09-October-2004 12:17
Uso ranking casi siempre, pero a veces pongo classification. Has dejado por los suelos a mi corrector de inglés (: (an human being) algunas de los textos los hizo él enteramente...
De hecho, otro trozo es un copy-paste del de la página de Bruno (:
Toda la sección de reglas en ingés la saqué de la página de Bruno, de hecho la española es una traducción que hice de esas reglas en inglés, porque no tenía las instrucciones españolas a mano en ese momento...
Iré corrigiendo todo eso poco a poco...
Pero, no has encontrado nada que no esté traducido, no?

(por cierto, muchas gracias)
(otra cosa, a cualquiera que esté interesado en traducir la web a otro idioma con caracteres latinos, si me la traduce yo lo añado como otro idioma adicional)

Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
09-October-2004 19:20
Muchas de nadas, Hay algunas erratas mas por ahi, no se si quieres que te las comente. No, no hay nada que no este traducido, es solo que yo no me había enterado de que podías cambiar la preferencia de idioma en el perfil.

Venga, una si que no me resisto, cuando un personaje ha sido robado abajo pone la foto del pesonaje y un caption que dice 'stolen.' Seria 'stolen from' en todo caso. Yo creo que para dejarlo en una sola palabra lo puedes dejar en 'mugged' (que puede ser coloquial) o 'robbed' que es quizá preferible.
Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
09-October-2004 19:27
Ah, otra cosa bastante importante. Cuando usas el Hechicero pone Wizard... Yo creia que el mago era el wizard y el hechicero era el sorcerer... could be wrong, though.
Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
12-October-2004 13:23
Lo del hechicero es un típico y desastroso error de traducción del ciudadelas de la versión inglesa a la española (o puede que venga directamente del francés, no se). La cosa es que en la versión inglesa, al mago básco de robar o reciclar la mano lo llaman Magician, y al que te construye un distrito tuyo por la cara lo llaman Wizard. Aquí se tradujo por Mago y Hechicero respectivamente. En cierto modo lo entiendo porque el wizard o mage (o magician) del inglés es el equivalente al mago en español. Todas los demás practicantes de ka magia tienen una traducción directa al español (socerer -> hechicero, Witch->Matilda, Warlock->Brujo, etc...) pero para mago en inglés hay dos.
Por ello, yo respeté los nombres de los personajes en sus distintas lenguas...

Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
12-October-2004 20:52
Si, ya me fijé que la traducción oficial era esa. Hay muchas otras erratas por aqui y por alla, no se si quieres que te las comente.
Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
13-October-2004 00:53
Sí, dilas. Cambiarlas es facil y rápido.

Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
13-October-2004 02:49
Okay, remember you asked for it.

In the main menu Thanks should be Acknowledgements. I don't like 'Waiting Games' (because it sounds too much like 'playing the waiting game') but I'm yet to find a suitable succinct alternative. Players Profiles should be Players' Profiles. Last but not least, remember that Classification does not mean Ranking in English.

The home page should read:

Achiles's Citadels

This site is best *viewed* with a *maximised* (British spelling is always preferable to American spelling, for too many reasons to list) browser.

Achiles's Citadels Main Page

Under construction; almost *fully functional.*

Create a new account and play freely

In theory all cards are working! (I've always felt one '!' was plenty)

Send your bug reports, *advice*, *complaints*, compliments or anything you like to ciudadelas@frenopatico.net (maybe I should be doing exactly that instead of spamming the forum). Alternatively you can also use the Forum section.

If this site is not displayed properly using your browser or screen *resolution*, please let me know.

You can also tell me if you do not like the design or style of the site. Nonetheless I would prefer it if you lied to me (or 'I would rather you lied to me' which I think is better)

Thanks for playing here.

And that's plenty for today. I'll carry on tomorrow.

PD: I'm still upset that you exploded the game just because I wasn't supposed to be on it :_(
Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
13-October-2004 03:17
>In the main menu Thanks should be Acknowledgements. I don't like 'Waiting Games' (because it sounds too much like 'playing the waiting game') but I'm yet to find a suitable succinct alternative. Players Profiles should be Players' Profiles. Last but not least, remember that Classification does not mean Ranking in English.

Acknowledgements is too long...

>This site is best *viewed* with a *maximised* (British spelling is always preferable to American spelling, for too many reasons to list) browser.

I'll prefer too the english spelling than the american one.

>In theory all cards are working! (I've always felt one '!' was plenty)

I love the !!! (;

>And that's plenty for today. I'll carry on tomorrow.

I'll fix it tomorow morning, i thing so. Thanks for the revision!

>PD: I'm still upset that you exploded the game just because I wasn't supposed to be on it :_(

I normaly no explode the games with the wrong people, but i want the same name for the game and it is too long, without much variations...
Dont worry, create games is free, i'll create one for you, for the help in translations (however, i'll try to win, of course...)

Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
13-October-2004 09:45
I prefer the *color* and *flavor* of the American accent!! :p

The only British useful word is 'Cheers'.
Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
13-October-2004 11:01
You are awful and you know it, agh. It really gives me the creeps to hear you speak like Bush. I suppose you, like he, are a republican winking smiley
Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
13-October-2004 12:28
>Send your bug reports, *advice*, *complaints*, compliments or anything you like to ciudadelas@frenopatico.net (maybe I should be doing exactly that instead of spamming the forum). Alternatively you can also use the Forum section.

No, i'd prefer the people report the bugs in the forum.

Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
13-October-2004 17:07
Ok, you have made some of the changes I suggested already. That was quick! Unfortunately I could not join the game in which you challenged me before it was full. As such I now throw the *gauntlet* (hint, hint) to see if you and agh will pick it up.

While I'm at it I'll mention some other stuff I've noticed.

The label 'validate' feels a bit stuffy for the log-in button. I propose:

User name:

In the New Account Section:

Fill *in* the form

*Retype* password

Show old games (ended... I dunno, it just doesn't do the job; it's not an expression one would use. While I'm on the subject I think New Games is better than Waiting Games, Current Games Is better than Your Games and Old Games is better than Ended Games).

And the button should probably read "Submit" rather than "Send".

Same suggestions apply to the 'update profile' page. The button should probably read 'update' instead of 'modify'

In Your Games

The topmost little sentence should probably read:

Hover your mouse over the name of *a* game to see what characters it uses.

And the sections Waiting, Started, Ended Games could be changed to New, Current, Old.

In the Create New Game page:

Games with the Queen (or Artist) must have at least five players.

*In* games with 3 players, the Witch and the Assassin are always face-up.

In 8-player games a 9th character is required.

The password is not your account password; it is a password you set for people to join the game.

Abbot instead of Abbey

Navigator... that's awful (I hope that is not the official translation). Sailor is a perfectly serviceable word.

Player's Profiles should be Players' (its plural)

And I think that's quite enough nagging for the day.
Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
13-October-2004 20:09
teneis demasiado tiempo libre.........
Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
13-October-2004 22:04
Demasiado tiempo libre nunca es demasiado... (o así?)
Ya tendré menos...

Respecto a lo de los Waiting y tal, lo de New games no me acaba de convencer. Lo de Current games no es posible, porque el botón de Your Games es tus partidas, todas, ya sean las actuales, las por empezar y las terminadas. Lo de old games sí podría ser, pero no me acaba de convencer. Started games sí podría ser Current Games (en la cabecera de la tabla).

>Navigator... that's awful (I hope that is not the official translation). Sailor is a perfectly serviceable word.

Horrible, pero es tan horrible como oficial (:
Decidí usar los oficiales porque, aparte de ser lo correcto, no quería más adelante tener que cambiarlos de nombre, que la gente se acostumbra a uno y no gusta que le cambien los nombres a los personajes...

Re: Instrucciones / Instructions
13-October-2004 22:39
DrX: " You are awful and you know it, agh. It really gives me the creeps to hear you speak like Bush. I suppose you, like he, are a republican winking smiley"


You must've figured that out by looking at the beautiful flag in my profile! Yeah, the one with the coat of arms at its *center*, the one richly *colored* and not just another dull and *gray* rag!

So much for your detective powers, Mr. know-it-all Dr.Eggs! I can see Perfidous Albion is really getting the best of you!

And I'm not saying that just to analy*ze* or critici*ze* or because I'm a *skilfull* *theater* performer. Or because I wanna make up a little *dialog*. I have enough *arguments* for my *defense*, and I certainly don't need a *license*.

Talk to you soon, *neighbor*...

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